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Reignite your Passion

Is your passion as strong as it was when you started your business?What is your Vision for your future? 

Where do you see yourself in 1, 3, 5, 10 years’ time?

Why are you in business?

For those of us who have been in business a number of years, we sometimes loose our mojo. We forget why we started our business in the first place. Especially after any major uncontrollable events such as we have experienced over the last few years.  To look towards a future with passion, longevity, and scalability, now more than ever we need to think outside the square. 

The most successful businesses over the years are those that have been able to adapt to consumers’ needs. Not what they want to sell.  Spending patterns have changed, needs have changed. Consumers are looking for that which they do not have, to make their lives easier, both at work and home. One of the most successful companies in the world right now is Zoom. Most people did not need zoom 2 years ago but now almost all service providers  and offices use it continuously. Many families use it to keep in touch with friends and family members around the world. Kodak used to be one of the biggest companies in the US today they only sell products that relate to the print market as they did not move with the times into the digital sphere.  

Your purpose does not change. Your direction may change, the product mix you sell will change over time, but your purpose rarely ever changes. Every one of us has their own passion and purpose for starting a business.

Did you go into business to:-

  • Leave a legacy for your family?

  • Build a nest egg for your retirement expeditions?

  • Increase your assets for early retirement? 

  • Want to be your own boss?

  • Want to work your hours around family commitment?

  • Set up a business that will allow you to travel and still run your business in online?

  • Support others in the community?

  • Give back in any way you can?

Whatever you purpose was, do you still feel the same passion for your business today.

Reinvigorate that passion in your business through

increased Sales, Profits, customer traffic and basket size.


Your consumers have been locked up for so long they are looking for excuses to get out and to buy what they do not have or need to replace. Whether you sell physical products or a services, the action plans are essentially the same.  Create theatre and excitement with your goods through the selling process. Be creative with the presentation of the products. Change your marketing message.   Technology is moving everything so fast the need is for new and different moves with that speed. They do not necessarily wan to replace what they had they want an updated better model. 

What are you doing differently compared to two years ago? What are your differentiators to your competitors? How are you displaying your goods in an innovative way that creates interest with your current consumers and attracting new ones.  With the number of businesses that have sadly closed their doors that is good for those that have been able to stand the test of time. Be creative with the products as well as the marketing. Through the internet, most consumers today are savvier about the products that are available and can read through a “marketing sell”. Research the market, check out your competitors what are they doing. Do not be a “me too” know your competitors so you can do things differently.  Be authentic, be genuine, be up to date with trends. 

There is every opportunity for growth if we work towards one key goal our consumers  WIIFM. What motivates your consumer? What do they need to make their life better? Their experience with you both in store and online is just as important as the products or service they buy. Our consumers are the backbone of our business. Look after them by making their life easy and responding to their needs.

If you are not sure how to action this in your business, seek help through a mentor whom you can bounce your ideas off, and work through a plan to achieve the results you are looking for. My Passion is to help small business owners to achieve their goals one business at a time. Bring me your passion and I will assist you to turn it into increased sales, profit, traffic and basket size.

Reignite your passion in your business and your consumers will come with you.

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